Class of 2024

Sunrise concert in Moneglia

Sunrise concert in Moneglia

A view of Moneglia at dawn
Sori beach at twilight

Performing Tchaikovsky at sunrise

Rehearsing Mozart Piano Quintet in Frabosa

Performing Mozart Clarinet Quintet in Frabosa

Rehearsing the Schumann Piano Trio in Sori

After the Mozart Clarinet Quintet in Cinque Terre

The audience in a 1,000 year-old chapel in Moneglia

Lunch time in Moneglia

After the Dvorak Piano Quintet in Moneglia

Rehearsing Haydn before the sunrise concert
Rehearsing the Mozart Quintet in Frabosa
Performing Beethoven’s “Archduke” Trio in Frabosa
After Mozart’s “Kegelstadt” Trio in Moneglia
The audience at Frabosa
The view from Villa Durazza in Santa Margarita
Borodin String Quartet at Villa Durazza
Haydn “Serenade” String Quartet in Cinque Terre
Relaxing before the performance in Sori, Santa Margarita
Group of Zephyr 2024 celebrating in Moneglia

Backstage at the Ruined Castle in Moneglia
Final day: reception at the gardens of Villa Argentina
Performing Mozart’s Piano Quartet in Moneglia
Celebration at the Villa Argentina
Trio per pianoforte in si bemolle maggiore, opera 97, “Arciduca”
Quartetto per archi in re maggiore, n. 2
Quintetto per pianoforte in la maggiore, opera 81
Quartetto per archi in fa maggiore, opera 3, n. 5, “Serenata”
Quartetto per pianoforte in sol minore, K. 478
Quintetto per clarinetto in la maggiore, K. 581
Trio per clarinetto, viola e pianoforte, in mi bemolle maggiore, K. 498
Trio per pianoforte in mi bemolle maggiore D897, “Notturno”
Trio per pianoforte in re minore, opera 63
Sestetto per archi in re minore, opera 70, “Souvenir de Florence”