The Mack McCray Foundation
It is the mission of Mack McCray Foundation to foster the love and learning of music by offering financial support to young students, by offering scholarship assistance and travel grants, and by making funds available for the coaching and teaching of these young students.
Although Mack McCray Foundation focuses on making available to many students the experience of Zephyr International Chamber Music Festival, any student and any situation will be seriously considered for support.
How You Can Help
The Mack McCray Foundation views its primary responsibility as maintaining the health and support of Zephyr Festival. To this end, fundraising events are held each year and donors in both Italy and the United States are asked to support the scholarship fund which enables most students to attend. We are deeply grateful to the Foundation and its board members for their tireless efforts in supporting Zephyr.
If you would like to make a donation to Zephyr please send it to:
The Mack McCray Foundation,
Non Profit Organization Tax ID 31-1801432.
Attn: Meikui Matsushima
355 Serrano Drive, 8E
San Francisco, CA94132